Kyogle Public School

Opportunity, Care, Quality, Success

Telephone02 6632 1200

Kindergarten Orientation

On the morning of the first orientation day could you please arrive at the hall by 9:10am.

Children will be given a name tag and be placed in a class group for the day. The students will exit the hall with their backpacks and walk with teachers to their classroom.

Parents are encouraged to remain at the hall for a brief information session. This will be a very informative session that only takes a short while and will give parents a greater understanding of the school.

On the four remaining orientation days the children are to meet at the hall by 9:10am. If your child is arriving before 9:10am there is teacher supervision in the top playground from 8:45am until 9:10am, when they will be directed down to the hall. Please inform the school if your child is arriving earlier or by bus, so we can arrange a buddy. Parents should arrive to collect their child by 2:00pm, unless utilising afternoon buses, where supervision will continue and a bus buddy organised.

The number of Thursdays and the length of the day your child attends is your decision; he/she is welcome to attend all five or only some of them. We recommend attending as many as possible.